понедельник, 5 марта 2012 г.


Foot in the Door: Networking Your Way into the Hidden Job Market by Katharine Hansen 2008 Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press 218 pages, Soft cover, $14.95.

Intended Audience(s): A, B, D, K

Major Headings from the Table of Contents: Networking: What, Why, How, Who, Where, and When; The Nitty-Gritty of Networking; Networking in the World of Web 2.0; Informational Interviewing: The Ultimate Networking Technique; Next Steps: Using Networking and Informational Interviewing as the Launch Pad for Your Job Search

How Is the Book Most Useful for Its Intended Audience? The book is updated to include networking in a Web 2.0 environment. At every point, it provides scripts and …

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